Unlocking Your Soul

Unlocking Your Soul is…’Your awakening experience’

Are you curious about how different your life would be if you embraced your magnificence?

  • Have you suddenly reached a turning point…and ‘woken up’ to life? Or are you in a muddle because suddenly you feel ‘different’ and you are not sure where to turn?
  • Have you had a ‘lightbulb AHA’ moment and realised there is more to life? – because there is.
  • Have you suddenly begun to emerge from your cocoon and realised that you can be free and fly like a butterfly as you feel connected to something much bigger than yourself?
  • Is there a longing deep inside for greater happiness, fulfilling relationships and success?

Imagine feeling more vibrant, alive and achieving your full potential?

I want you to know that we are ALL so much more capable of achieving greater things in life than we are lead to believe. To protect ourselves and be safe, most of us have learned to hide our magnificence. We mustn’t blame ourselves as this often stems from outside conditioning. But as you learn to love, honour, respect and to like and understand yourself, you begin to reclaim your personal power and transform your life. We are all unique and special.

  • Would you like to learn valuable techniques that will connect you to your inner guidance and the true you?
  • Suddenly you can discover the missing jigsaw pieces that will begin to reveal your life’s deeper meaning and purpose.
  • One of the beautiful things you can do is start living consciously instead of unconsciously.

If so, and to learn more please take a look around this website or contact us

We all have fears, doubts and challenges at some time in our life. but when you learn to stretch yourself so you can begin to take baby steps outside your comfort zone and get passion, fun and joy back in your life, you begin to feel more vibrant as you embrace your magnificence. No one else can do this for you. When you feel good about yourself from the inside out, you become free from your limitations.

Do you realise…

*Everyone has a unique spiritual journey and life blueprint and one of our lessons is to evolve into who we truly are. To take charge of our own destiny is so important because often we are side-tracked by outside influences.  When we learn to acknowledge that sometimes the challenges and hardships in life can be gifts; you begin to move on.  Do you look back and see the gift it brought you, or does the memory of the pain still resonate? This can be hard to do sometimes but each new step you take will begin to open up your life but it may take time so don’t be too hard on yourself.

*Learning these new techniques will help you work towards a new goal or desire which may be challenging, but life-changing, if you know how to trust in yourself.

To find out more please contact us.


Sheila’s philosophy is:

Learning to understand more about yourself and your life will enable you to…believe in yourself, love, be, know and trust so you begin to feel more contented as this is a wonderful experience which will help you gain in confidence.

You can then start to take:

  • One idea at a time
  • One day at a time
  • One week at a time
  • One goal at a time
  • One step at a time

Small steps are believable and therefore achievable.
Each new step takes you one step further to where you want to be.

You will suddenly realize how good you feel and you will become much more fulfilled. Passionate people create success. Success creates excitement and then there is nothing to stop you achieving whatever it is you want.

Sheila began to open her own mind after a beautiful spiritual experience in October 1993 and then in March 1994 after a number of traumatic experiences, and gradually over time, with her quest for more knowledge, she opened a new door that changed her life. She has no intention of changing your own beliefs, whatever they may be. Sheila is spiritual but does not follow any particular religion and her talk or workshops are not about religion.

Religion is a belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experiences by opening up to your true self and living your life more contented and in joy.

What does matter to Sheila is if you can learn to believe in yourself and open your mind – you open up your possibilities. An open mind can go anywhere.


Contact Sheila to book your appointment or to have a free no-obligation chat to discuss your needs

by calling 07798 551465 or email: sheila@sheilasteptoe.com